FIELD TRIP #2 [2010]


08.10.2010 – 21.01.2011

Lichthof Ost of Humboldt University of Berlin

© John McCusker

Excursions into reality – whatever that may be. Trips into unchartered territory, cartography of the unknown, exploration of urban spaces. Expeditions, class trips, journeys – weren‘t these the most formative experiences of our education?
Being elevated from daily life, in temporary company, exploring foreign cultures, buildings and natural phenomena leaves deeper impressions than any lecture is capable of.

School and university are not merely abstract institutions, but first of all concrete spaces bound to certain rules. Field trips define themselves by taking place outside of these confinements. Be it an artist-run enclave deep in the Brazilian jungle, a freight train illegally used for travelling Europe, the iconic symbols of American superpower visited with a camera or one‘s own consciousness expanded by the shamanistic substance Ayahuasca, also known as DMT.

Some have even turned the trip into a permanent solution, travelling constantly or living in the lonely hut away from civilization as proposed by Henry David Thoreau in Walden. Information is gathered by experience rather than from books.
Young people, it seems, are especially attracted to excursions. As supervision and evaluation within the education system become more oppressive, the temptation of escape proportionally increases.

Therefore, in accordance with the Oxford English dictionary, the exhibition FIELD TRIP #2 defines an excursion not only as a temporary escape with the intention to return but also as a deviation from a definite path or course, the action of running out, an escape from confinement, a progression beyond fixed limits or a running to extremes.
The truth, in other words, is out there, and it is most definitely not measured with credit points.

Download the press release and detailed information about the artists as PDF

List of Works

1 | Jeremy Shaw, DMT, 2004
8-Kanal Videoinstallation, gezeigt als 1-Kanal-Video, Loop

2 | Lars Holdhus / Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson / Arnar Ásgeirsson / Matthijs Diederiks, Shimmns, 2008
Video und gefundene Objekte, 15:38 min, Loop

3 | Ethan Hayes-Chute, Questionable Inhabitance, Questionable Inhabitants 1-4, 2009-2010
Holz, gefundene Objekte, ca. 10 x 10 x 10 cm

4 | Korpys/Löffler, United Nations, World Trade Center, Pentagon, 1997
Super 8 digitalisiert, Loop

5 | Cyrill Lachauer,
Richy, 2008, digitaler C-Print, 104,5 x 130cm
Matterhorn, 2010, Pigmentdruck, Siebdruck, 169 x 120 cm
Traurige Tropen, 2010, Holz, Glas, Acryllack, 130 x 30 x 30 cm

6 | Markus Shimizu, The Embassy of Love, 2010
Installation und Landkarte, Maße variabel

7 | The Bruce High Quality Foundation,
Sculpture Tackle (Love), 2007, 90 x 90cm, C-Print
Sculpture Tackle (Queen Elizabeth Monument), 2007, 90 x 90 cm, C-print

8 | Daniel Jackson, Tank Trap (Berlin Landscape), 2009-2010
Stahl, Müll

9 | Awst & Walther, The Centre of the World, 2010
Neon, Pappkarton, 50 x 40 x 28 cm

Curated by Boris Pofalla.


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