things we meet in the dark

Press Release

Berlin, 28 May 2024

Group exhibition with seven artistic positions:

Daniel Dobarco, Anny Listmeier, Marina Pohl, Theresa Rothe, Moran Sanderovich, Aline Schwörer, Lyndsey Walsh


Duration: 19.06. – 28.06.2024

Exhibition venue: Villa Heike, Freienwalder Str. 17, 13055 Berlin

Opening hours: on days without programme 1-7 pm


things we meet in the dark

Monsters live everywhere: under the bed, in the dark, in nature, in others, in ourselves. Where our rational thinking reaches its limits, we construct fictional monsters – from medieval dragon legends to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to Godzilla on the cinema screen.


Nevertheless, they are not always just dangerous or terrifying, but can take the form of a best friend in children’s books or a protective cuddly toy.

We ourselves also become ‘monsters’ that protect us from others and give us superhuman powers.

But who defines what is monstrous? At what point does a monster become a monster?


Exhibition programm

With an exhibition programme consisting of an artist talk with Lyndsey Walsh, a workshop with Vreda Marschner, a film screening, a reading session and guided tours, visitors are also invited to engage with “monsters” on a personal level. A publication accompanying the exhibition will also deepen the discourse theoretically and offer different individual approaches to “monsters” and the monstrous.


19.06. | *Part of the Project Space Festival 2024*

6pm – 10pm: Vernissage

8 pm: Performance Moran Sanderovich

23.06 | 1pm-10pm: things we meet in the dark yard

  • 2PM Artist talk with Lyndsey Walsh
  • 4PM Guided tours
  • 4PM Writing workshop with Vreda Marschner
  • Reading time around the campfire

27.06 | 7 pm: things we meet see in the dark

  • After-work guided tour
  • Film screening

28.06 | from 7 pm: Finissage

Moran Sanderovich’s performance “Anastatica” provides a prelude to the opening of the exhibition. In her work, the artist utilises the aesthetics of the grotesque to examine the concept of otherness through her own body. Traumas and wounds function as a way of creating new potentials of supernatural physicality and deconstructing stigmas of supposed abnormality.

23.06. 2024 2:00 PM 

Lindsey Walsh’s artist talk addresses the socio-cultural controversies in scientific debates of cancer cell research and conservative body politics.


Lyndsey Walsh’s artistic work is based on scientific research that is informed by queer and intersectional feminist discourses. Walsh’s work questions the existence and development of creatures and their body cultures, which embody collective fears and technological desires, alongside Western-influenced technologies and politics.



23.06. 2024 4 PM

Gemeinsam begeben wir uns ins Dunkle und lassen Ungeheuerliches auf uns zukommen. Wir suchen nach Bruchstellen, Kipppunkten, fahren Grenzen nach. Schreibend und mit Sprache experimentierend begegnen wir inneren und äußeren Monstern. 

Am Sonntag, dem 23. Juni findet im Rahmen der Ausstellung things we meet in the dark ein Schreibworkshop mit Vreda Marschner statt. Durch kleine Übungen und Schreibimpulse werden wir uns dem Ausstellungsthema und den Werke der sieben ausstellenden Künstler*innen nähern. Wir probieren literarische Kurz- und Kürzestformen aus, besprechen die entstandenen Texte und arbeiten gemeinsam daran. Wer möchte, kann bei der anschließenden Lesestunde Einblicke in das entstandene Material geben. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.

Vreda Marschner ist Autorin, Kunstvermittlerin und Literaturveranstalterin. Ihre Arbeiten umfassen Lyrik, autobiografische Texte und Essays.

Wenn ihr am Workshop teilnehmen wollt, meldet euch bitte per Mail an oder über Instagram DM an.

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